Shipping Policy

At Handme, we prioritize quality at all levels. Be it at the production level or through the supply chain. We value your time and aim at delivering shortlisted products in their finest condition and within the promised time. In our efforts to keep with the industry norms and standards, we partner with some of the most reputed courier services in the country. Once you’ve placed an order at Handme, you can be sure that your product will be delivered smoothly to your doorstep at the earliest. 

How does the delivery process work at Handme?

Once you place your order at Handme, our efficient system immediately starts processing it. With our primary focus on delivering high-quality products, we ensure that the ordered product qualifies for our in-house quality check test. Only, after the item passes this quality test, do we hand over the selected items to our respective courier partner for shipping to your address. We will ship the order within 1-3 business days of receiving it.

We network with the best delivery service providers that can deliver to most locations. However, in case your location is not served by any of the courier partners, our Handme team will touch base with you to find an alternative solution to ensure that the order reaches you. 

Although we aim at delivering our products within the earliest, given the current COVID pandemic situation, at times a few shipments might take longer than usual. Heavy demands around festivals, adverse weather conditions or other crises in the country might disrupt the speed of delivery but we ensure to put our best foot forward to see that your items are delivered at the earliest.

How are orders packaged at Handme?

At Handme, we walk an extra mile to make sure that your order is delivered in its best condition. Hence every item is wrapped with extra care to ensure full-roof packaging. With high-quality packaging details we make sure that there are least chances of complaints on the shipped product quality due to packaging.

It is worth mentioning that our product packaging is 100% eco-friendly and recyclable. We pack the products in beautiful handcrafted cotton bags, so that your Handme order is delivered to you the way you like it; beautifully and sustainably.

How to modify the shipping address of your order after it has been placed?

Don’t worry even if you’ve provided an incorrect address for delivery of a product or want it to be delivered to another address, at Handme, we extend full support to our customers to ensure it reaches them safely. 

You can change the shipping address before we process it. Simply, contact our customer support team to have your products delivered to a new address.

Just in case your product is already shipped and you wish to change the delivery address, you can do it. Just notify our team and we will reship your order to a different location as desired by you for a nominal charge of Rs. 150.